18 September 2017 0 comments

Of Property, Defects & Work

I have left another property related job from a local PLC. And I tell myself, no more property. Stressful job, not being appreciated. Just think about mall management & you will know. The areas of coverage are so wide yet detailed. It's always fun to learn about buildings, you just have to see everything in a logical way. But because people's brains these days are so defective, they turn out to be the hardest to deal with.

I am always grateful of the people I meet, good or bad. & culture is a scary thing, it can just eat you up & make you think that whatever you do is right.

So if your company breeds a bad work culture, you will have no choice but to adapt. These are the times you have to bow to reality & know that you can't make a difference. It took me some time to get used to it as in my previous job, I was entitled to so many privileges I felt I was powerful. & I knew I could make things better or at least have the chance to try. It's amazing how life changing events change who you are that what you have been pursuing is no longer your priority, such as having a baby. That all of a sudden, I didn't want to be iron lady anymore. I just want to be a mother.

That is not a defect. Just my chip has been changed. Upgraded.
27 March 2017 0 comments

Things That Make You Doubt What You Have Been Taught Your Whole Life

Saw this on Facebook the other day & as being sentimental as I can be, I cried.

Growing up as a Christian, you were being taught that being homosexual & enslaved to sexual activities are morally & religiously wrong. This goes back to the infamous bible story of The Destruction of Sodom & Gomorrah which you will know if you were a Christian baby.

The world has not changed after the event. The history will repeat itself & the world will not stop evolving. Now some cities are trying to legalise these acts and many are beginning to accept this new type of relationship. Going against my religion, I have attempted to understand, rationalise & empathise this practice. Some say they are born this way by nature, some say they just can't help it, some say they're trapped in a wrong body, & some choose to transform to a body they feel right & comfortable living in.

As homophobic as some people around me are, I am not. Though I have Christian gay friends, I still choose to respect their freewill & decisions. Maybe I am not strong enough of my religion or do not have enough religious knowledge to believe this is wrong.

But I really wonder. What makes them any different? Because it's against nature that their coitus do not include producing babies. But they love, get hurt & make earnings, just like the rest of us.

If you have been doubting like me, watch this video & see if it changes your mind. I have yet to watch the whole movie. But this clip has made an impact on me deeply.

If they live their lives normally, just like the rest of us, they should be getting the same equal respect from everyone too. They want kids, they adopt orphans, then aren't they doing good deeds too?

Can I tell God things have changed & even if they are gay, they can still love God the same?