Many have been questioning, why would we still support Earth Hour if we know it's just a PR gimmick?
I know it is, at some points, it is to some organisations. All the hypocrisy they are showing by supporting while they are the ones who contribute the most to global warming and pollution. But let's not sink the ship so soon okay? Not all parts are broken.
I told myself, so what? I don't care about them. I do it, I support it because I wanted to show some respect to all the acts of nature protection I've been inspired with, though I may not be a crazy devoted nature person, who won't use plastic at all or eat chewing gum. & I'm not the type who feel like want to put effort only during these special events.
Even though I might not make a difference, at least I've done what I think is right.
Everyone is saying the same thing, if you really care, you'll fight for these causes all the time. Not just on 28th March, and for that one hour.
Yea, but not all are doing it only on Earth Hour. Hasty generalisation.
It may seem stupid because we may be endowing to a big evil plot behind this.
There were still some who stayed at home, did not spend a single penny, except for the money to buy candles and batteries for torchlights, maybe uno jenga or what.
They were telling ghost stories, sharing thoughts with friends and families, or studying like Leezaza, hahaha~
Hey, no one asked you to go to the boutiques for their "Shop In the Dark" programme. With all the discounts and excitement to shop while you can't even see what clothes you're trying out & risking your dainty feet to be stepped on should be fun and tempting right?
I rest my case.
So now, let me tell what I was doing during Earth Hour. I planned to stay back with Leezaza to make this Earth Hour happening in K3E. Due to unforeseen circumstances, I ended up lining up in GSC. At least they switched off all the non essential lights, unlike those shops which only put posters in front which I misunderstood when they said they would support, I thought they would really off for 1 hour. Well, it's not like they were having a lot of customers too.
So, hehehe~....I watched Knowing. Another cliche Nicholas Cage movie.
I give compliments only to the visual effects. It was real good.
The plane crashing, the people burning, the train crashing the waiting zone..seeing the people running for their lives while being smashed underneath the train...the pain...phew~
The movie has a mixed elements of horror, sci fi, fiction & tiny bit of action.
What's with the aliens & world's end?
It seems to be of an interest of many producers these few years.
I don't reject this idea but hmm, this particular movie's ending is kind of disturbing.
Why would the aliens care about the extinction of human race?
Maybe I'm slow, but I really can't get a clear message there.
They only saved one boy & one girl, after the earth was burnt down, they were sent back.
& then they were wearing white clothes, running in a beautiful breezing field happily.
Well, I'm not sure whether it's earth they were sent to...I thought earth was burnt to like 1KM to the core? I suppose nothing can grow anymore. Hmm, whatever, I still don't bother to read the script to find out.
The End.
Okay, back to Earth Hour, I was saving energy. FYI, the cinema was dark, no lights. Ha~
& while I was out, my room lights were off too right..
After he & I bought the tickets, we went to check out cameras & camcorders. That fellow is going to South Africa, Capetown, Buenos Aires, wants to buy camcorder excitedly.
While Earth Hour was reaching its end, we were in a big electronic shops, checking out all the electrical devices while waiting for our movie showtime. Ironic, ha~
Okay, last defence, it's the thought that counts.
Happy Earth Hour, peeps!
Live life, love life~
Response to the first part of your post is in my blog :P
We should get a restraining order against Joshua on the "Shop In The Dark" day, don't you agree?
About knowing's ending...I think the producers are implicitly trying to promote the use of condoms so that people won;t be overpopulating the Earth?
And Who is going to south africa la?
About the Joshua statement: Yea, hahaha~definitely!
I don't know, the ending was just plain ridiculous. I don't know, I still can't think of any logical & determined message behind the movie. The whole idea of the world is ending, no matter how, just keep repeating playing in movies lately.
Hmm, but this one is like the most pointless so far.
Ohh, ruban is going. Ha~during our study week some more. Grrr~
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