Smokers aren't the only ones being harmed by their habit. Secondhand smoke kills, too.
In the United States alone, each year it is responsible for: an estimated 35,000 deaths from heart disease in non-smokers who live with smokers.
Please...protect your children from the dangers of secondhand smoke by providing them with smoke free air to breathe. They depend on you.
Happy belated *WORLD NO TOBACCO DAY*. It's on 31st May 09 =)
Flower need water to bloom ; and we need fresh air to breath.
It's quite rude of smokers to subject the rest of us to their smells. Don't you think so?
They said, we have a right to smoke. And we said, we have a right not to breathe smoke just as much as they have the right to smoke it.
For those smokers: It is your own right to hurt yourself by smoking, but you don't have the right to hurt others' health by smoking..... Please go as far as you can to smoke, or, PLEASE STOP SMOKING !!!!
Can you die from secondhand smoke ? DEFINITELY MURDERING.
What's your reaction when you get annoyed by secondhand smoke?
A) walk out in silence
B) roll your eyes and hold your breath
C) curse the annoying one with some F - words inside your heart .. LoL
D) give them a bad scold
E) others and please state out (^__^)
Smokers, please just born a duty to put yourself out of our misery.
Whee~ its saturday. Hope everyone can have a freshy smoke - free weekend * Finger crossed *
Did you know that --> at 15 May, 2009 the Bulgarian government voted to ban the smoking in all enclosed public places including offices, bars, restaurants, and clubs. The ban is coming into effect on 1 June 2010. Congrats to all the Bulgarian.
Smokers : Go away man...you don't smoke, but allow others the small pursuit of happiness that they deserve. What say you?
We have no problem with being around smokers. What we have a problem with is when smokers have no problem putting an inconvience on other because of their habit.
Think twice before you sacrifice your health. Think twice for your loved one.
Sad~no matter where you turn when walking on the street there is all too often a cloud of second hand cigarette smoke that is near impossible to avoid.
Making others breathe 2ndhand smoke is akin to threatening their lives. Medically proven, right? There are laws against threatening to kill people, so there should be a law against smoking, such that anyone who smokes has to, by law, stay at least (a long way) away from anyone else who is not smoking, thereby making it inconvenient for them to smoke ANYWHERE in public. Not impossible, but just inconvenient. Anyone know how to make this happen?
Do you love him /her / your family enough to quit smoking for good? Or do you love them enough to stand with their smoking habit?
Secondhand smoke is not a battle between smokers and non smoker. It's a battle for public health - all of the public.
Have you lost a loved one to a secondhand smoke related illness?
Smoking....It is something that I cannot stand and cannot understand.
A 2 year old boy from He Bei province is smoking a cigarette! Can you believe that ?! The mother says she found no side effects nor respiratory disease on her son and thus never thought of letting him quit. What type of parent is this ? Poisoning her own child with nicotine?
There are a lot of people who I care for deeply...and they smoke. I know it's their choice. And in a strange way I do respect it...but it pains me to see them have such little regard for the health of their bodies.
We do not encourage smoking. But since both smokers and non-smokers are freedom loving people.... so lets start from some little respect for each other. Shall we?
In light of President Obama signing a bill to regulate tobacco and a hopeful new wave of awareness regarding tobacco, second-hand smoke and how tobacco is used and represented in the media and movies, we, the organizations below and the creative team of THE PACK would be grateful if you would seriously consider being a sponsor for this new powerful thought-provoking independent feature film and event so we can present in HOLLYWOOD for a week and be eligible for an Academy Award nomination, bringing more attention to the issue than we can all imagine.
The marketing director at American Cancer Society called "The Pack" next year's "Slumdog"!
The marketing director at American Cancer Society called "The Pack" next year's "Slumdog"!
In view of the recent emergence of A/H1N1 influenza worldwide, Hong Kong Department of Health (DH) urged smokers to quit the habit, as one of the effective preventive measures against influenza. "Research studies show a higher risk of influenza infections among smokers when compared with non-smokers," he said. "Also, the mortality rate of influenza among smokers is higher than that of non smokers."
Hey guys. How would you like to have the all expenses paid wedding of your dreams? All you have to do is be a groom and give up smoking in Saudi Arabia... =)
Should smoking be banned in the workplace? ......"It's not anti-smoker" ........"It's everything to do with protecting nonsmokers from contracting cancer against their will.
When we say "Ban Smoking", smokers will say unfair. When we say our lives are at their hands, they say we should just stay far away from them. When we say we dream of a smoking-free world, they say we are dreaming.
Did you know that two-thirds of the smoke from a burning cigarette is not even inhaled by the smoker?
It is released into the atmosphere where anyone in the area can inhale it.
Usually smokers think if they just smoke “to the side”, or when a driver smokes, he opens a window thinking this way the others will not inhale bad air. Unfortunately it is not so. Even cleaning air and ventilating buildings is not 100% effective.There is no safe level of exposure to secondhand smoke.
Stop now. Lung cancer is not a pleasant way to quit. You know that.
I say, people who smoke are one of the most selfish group on earth.
Imagine if your loved ones die because of secondhand smoke.
& by then only you realise you're one of the contributors to their deaths.
Imagine everytime you puff out the smoke & the people you care about are inhaling all the poison.
If you really care, you will know, you're killing them bit by bit.
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